MULINO & MULINO is an international law firm which specializes in vessel and mortgage registration as well as also necessary transactions for vessels financing. Our shipping legal department brings together an extraordinary team of experts in the maritime affairs that for the last decades have been working closely with important shipping agents, vessel owners, and international shipping companies across the World.

Provides assistance with international transactions related to sale of vessels by offering a 24 hour service and working closely

MULINO & MULINO is one of the leading maritime law firms in Panama, who acts as registered agent for hundreds of vessels registered under Panama flag. Our team specializes in providing a very diligent and prioritized 24 hour service in order to facilitate mortgage registration of vessels and sales of vessel around the world.

Our team is also experienced in admiralty litigation. We offer assistance related to maritime claims and disputes in local and international admiralty courts which is handled by expert lawyers from our shipping and litigation practice areas.

With the purpose of adding value to our law firm, we also offer registration services in different jurisdictions such as Liberian Ship Registry second largest in the world and rated one of the top open registries in the world by the Paris MOU.

We are active members of the following maritime associations: Panama Maritime Law Association (APADEMAR), Comité Maritime International (CMI), Ship Arrested Network, International Yacht Lawyers Network and International Bar Association Maritime Committee (IBA).

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